Hi guys. I just loaded 98SE and I remember seeing something somewhere about file sizes, etc. or some other setting that needs to be made using 98. I'll be running decrypter and shrink. I looked around a little but I could not find any info. Any help would be appreciated !!
Set Decrtypter or Shrink to make 1Gig VOB files. Have 9-10 Gig free on your HD. ISO files are too large for SE to handle. later-
Hi there ramonesky, Welcome to our Club The problem that you're talking about is your systems file system. Win 98 uses a FAT32 filing system that limits your files to a max of 4GB. No worries though my friend, use Partition Magic in the trial form to convert your filing system from FAT32 to NTFS. A far better system with no limits of your file size. Converting to NTFS takes seconds and won't affect any files or functions of your PC. Here's the link: http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/13/8/13-8-2.shtml Register with the site and download Partition Magic 8 trial version – Cheers, Pete Any problems with that site, “Google” for another trial version site
Thanks s much. Would I be better off running windows 2000 Pro..?? I ran XP pro and had too many coasters. Ultra DMA and I had a war and it won !!
Heh, heh, I heard that Win 2000 would be good, I might even try that myself on my next restore - though XP Pro hasn't really been bad to me - We can work on that coaster thing though - My guess is it's probably your media – There are only a few discs that stand up to backup the way we want – Ridata, "Branded" Ritek, Ritek G04's, "Branded" Verbatim and Verbatim's new "Advanced Metal AZO" but it must be "Advanced Metal AZO." They let their regular AZO dye/ application go out to whomever and some of them are using a pretty shabby composite to apply the dye too. Also, even though many burners will write at 8X, when you go that fast - you get too many errors - keep your burning speed at 4X, tops ! And here's the key - no matter what type of PC you have - NEVER, and I mean NEVER multi-task while encoding, re-encoding or burning - shut down extra stuff you may have running (Unless you have the system I have or better) in msconfig - if you don't want coasters, give your PC all it's resources to use while backing up a DVD - There, you have it - the secrets to perfect frying ) Iffin ya have any more trouble, stop back - We'll be over there, by the water-cooler, just a chillin' out - Sea ya, Pete
Thanks.....I just banged my system around and finally got the Promise RAID controller to work....I appreciate the help.....I made sure all settings are Ultra DMA......in XP pro....I will jump in later today and see how the water is !!! I sincerely appreciate yours and other's help !! I'll keep you posted !!
[bold]ScubaPete[/bold] Why do you tell people using Windows 98 to convert their drives to NTFS? I have seen you do this previously as well. I don't think it is a good to recommend that. Windows 98 cannot normally use a NTFS disk. If Windows 98 could normally use a NTFS disk it would have a NTFS conversion utility built in. Sure you can use Partition Magic and convert a disk to NTFS but Windows 98 will not be able to use that disk. The only way Windows 98 can use a NTFS disk is if you buy a special NTFS utility add-on program. I don't know how well they work, but for what they cost it would seem better to just upgrade to XP which can use NTFS.
I've used Shrink and Nero 6.x on a W98SE machine (FAT32) running an AMD 750MHz CPU, 128Meg RAM and 8 Gigs free on a HD with no problems at all. ...it'll work...
Veblin, When Win 98 came out there was no NTFS filing system. It came with a FAT32 filing system. I have an older LT with Win 98 on it and though it has no DVD burner it does have a DVD ROM which, when I'm away from home I use to put some discs to HD. FAT32 kind of "Ham-strung" me so I upgraded to NTFS with zero problems to date. Yes, I have recommended many to upgrade their PC's filing system as you've seen AND, as I'm sure you've also seen, I've not had anyone come back to me and say, "Hey ScubaPete, you've ruined my system." One would think that if it did have a negative impact I surly would have heard about it, loud and clear. Upgrade to XP ? Well, I might agree but with every change in OS proggys I have had to drag my sorry self, dragging and screaming from one OS to the next. I don't like to change that which I'm comfortable with to the "better" system. I got used to 98 and when finally forced to XP, I didn't like it one little bit. I do now but my personal experiences have taught me that I'm not the only one who hates change Show me the harm; I may reconsider my recommendations, Peace, Pete
Are you saying that your Windows 98 can use a NTFS file system? Are you using a third party NTFS add-on? All the information about a stock Windows 98 system says that it cannot use NTFS. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/...oc/en/choosing_between_NTFS_FAT_and_FAT32.asp NTFS A computer running Windows XP or Windows 2000 can access files on an NTFS partition. A computer running Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later might be able to access some files. Other operating systems allow no access. Most earlier versions of Windows cannot access a partition if it uses the latest version of NTFS. The two exceptions are Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later. Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later has access to partitions with the latest version of NTFS, but with some limitations: It cannot access files that have been stored using NTFS features that did not exist when Windows NT 4.0 was released. NTFS volumes are not locally accessible from MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition operating systems.
Pete, Very interesting ... I was also under the impression that NTFS can only go on O/S that support it (XP, 2000 & NT). So you don't have any problems with your LT? Do you have any limitaions? Ya know alot of people who have older pcs, it's not worth upgrading to XP or 2000 ... they're better off getting a new pc. And for those who can't get a newer pc, with a newer O/S ... this could help them out alot.
A Big, Big Ooooppps - A phone call to the friend using ScubaPete's LT revels that an upgrade to XP Home was in fact performed prior to the NTFS conversion – I had totally forgotten about it - Veblin, Flip218 – Sorry Guys, glad you fellows caught that – I’ll be more careful in the future – It shows plainly enough we are all fallible – today was my turn in the barrel – ATTENTION RWG, DO NOT CONVERT YOUR FAT32 DRIVE – I would suggest that you consider a conversion to XP Home then NTFS – Both will truly provide you with a better system – Pete (headed to the dog house for the night for making a bid ole boo-boo) _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP [/small]
Pete- It wasn't me that was having problems, it was ramonesky. And before I'd go trying to convert a W98 FAT32 system to NTFS, I would have to had to hear and/or read a heckuva lot more about it than just some post in a forum. 's ok Pete, mistakes are allowed....once. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]NEC-2500A - Sony DVD-ROM WinXP Pro w/ SP1, DVD Shrink - DVD Decrypter - Nero 6.x - CloneDVD2 & AnyDVD[/small]
RWG Tone it a bit, he made an honest mistake to which you are not in control of. Or was it you? [bold]'s ok Pete, mistakes are allowed....once. [/bold] ??? what's going on guys? _X_X_X_X_X_[small] In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?" Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
Hmm! _X_X_X_X_X_[small] In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?" Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
NTFS is still a much better filing system than FAT or FAT32 BUT You do have to upgrade to XP. Research that too - it makes that "Blue screen of death" a rare visiter indeed - Pete
ramonesky, I believe the new version of shrink just released 3.2 will let you create a split iso file just for people like you still using the fat 32 file system. The new version of dvd decrypter should burn split iso just fine.
Wow !! I did not intend any misfortunes or errors, etc. on/for anybody !! I locked and loaded XP Pro, shutdown the antivirus, strapped on force ASPI, and so far it is working !! I really appreciate everyone's contribution !! The beer's on me!