windows freeze problem

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by x3v3n, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. x3v3n

    x3v3n Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    hey everyone, im having a lil problem i waz wondering if anyone of you guys might know what it is

    ok so sumtimes i get random freezes sometimes when i install or uninstall it happends alot so u get an idea

    it does'nt freeze completely its like sumthings kinda move but i cant execute anything with mouse ctl alt del works like once it pops up move mouse but i cant really click it

    also keyboard shortcut keys work like open folders and start button so it does'nt freeze all the way after its done w.e its doin everything u tried to click on and do happend really fast then it comes back to normal
    any ideas?

    - ive tried virus check malware all that crap im clean got avg
    - windows xp home
    - 1 gig ram
    - ive done defrag n all that
    - pent 4 with ht 3.0 proc.

    o yea and alot of things i click, 2x click, or links, they dont really execute untill i "execute then move the mouse abit"
    wondering if this is an explorer problem.... sure seems like it or sumthing else

    the mouse is currently usb plugged wireless laser broke
  2. william21

    william21 Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    This sounds like explorer isnt doing to well.

    You can test this the next time it freezes by pressing CTRL ALT DEL then from the process tab terminate explorer. then click file / new task run in the box type explorer.

    This will terminate the relaunch explorer if it fixes the problem then you know its explorer and the only real way i know to fix this is a reinstall preferably with a format first.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as not a p2p forum issue.
  4. Sankou134

    Sankou134 Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Try sfc.

    Put your windows disk in the drive or mount it if it's an image.

    Start-> run-> cmd->

    type "sfc /scannow" (with out quotation marks)

    Hit enter and let it run.

    Also try reinstalling your service pack or updating it.

  5. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    You can try running a scandisk (with boxes to fix errors) on all your partitions. If there are any file corruption it will cause explorer to hang.

    Check what your cpu usage is. It needs to be less than 5 percent with just your background programs running.

    Worst case scenario, if you are using onboard audio, try installing a pci audio card. Some motherboards onboard audio is very cpu intensive and will slow down your entire computer. That happen to me before.


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