I have recently been having problems with Windows freezing at start-up, to the point where I have to turn my computer off at the plug and start again. The last few times I have had to do this 3/4 times before I can actually log-on. It happens just after I have selected my user name. Can any one help?
Thanks for the reply, I have tried both of those but no joy. I have done SFC /scannow (as advised in another forum) but it keeps asking for the XP CD SP2, which I don't have because XP was preinstalled. I have tried the following link http://www.updatexp.com/scannow-sfc.html However, the values in my registry already point to the i386 folder. I have looked on my recovery CD to try and find another i386 folder (in case the one on PC is corrupt) but the only files on the CD are BOOTCAT and BOOTIMG. I have checked my documentation which says to turn PC off then on again, but this is geared towards the recovery CD'S that I was supposed to have created using Recovery CD Creator Software. Is it the same? Also, SFCDllCacheDir is not listed under; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Windows File Protection I do not have a 'Windows File Protection' entry at all. Also, the following registry key is pointing to C:\WINDOWS; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\ServicePackSourcePath. The instructions are to change the location to C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles, but I don't have a folder of that name in the directory, or anywhere else on my computer!! Is it the same as i386? I hope someone can help, otherwise I have no way of replacing corrupt/missing system files. Thanks