hello there right i have a legit windows xp home key on the bottem of my laptop, the laptop needs windows reinstaling on to it but i dont have the windows disc so were would i get it asuming i would not have to pay for it since i have the key. thanx dave king
did you buy this unit new? if so it should come with a system install disk, you could get a disk from microsoft
no it did not the laptop is made by samsumg and it has samsumg on the the COA so would i need a specfic windows disc. how would i go about asking micosoft for the discs and how much would it cost
You can't: The disc would have to come from samsung as it contains special files that specific laptop needs. Also Microsort would refure you to samsung for any support. They do not support Oem installs.
Just get a copy from anybody. It the key not the disc. The discs are the same. You paied for the key. And stop loosing the discs that come with you systems
Maybe if you call Samsung and tell them you stepped on the disk and it broke they would ship you a new one just for shippig cost