When I try to play the VIDEO_TS.IFO in the VIDEO_TS folder of the movie "CONNIE AND CARLA" or "ALEX AND EMMA" with Windows Media player 9.0 it hangs while attempting to play. In the "View DVD Info" section of the player it shows, ! D. When I place the cursor over the D it says "Windows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location in the DVD at this time". Other movies play fine. I'm using DVDshrink and DVDdecrypter to get the job done and stil get the same results. The kicker is that if I burn the files to disk they play on on my DVD player. Any suggestions????
I should have mentioned that the set of files I'm trying to play are on HD. After using DVDdecrypter media player works. After using DVDshrink is when I get the problem stated in original post. I wasn't as clear as I should have been but still have the same question.
You won't believe what the solve is! I initally named the folder "CONNIE&CARLA" for the movie CONNIE AND CARLA. I changed the name to "CONNIE_CARLA" and the movie played normally. Try throwing an & sign in the title and you should get the same result. Don't ask me what made me change the folder name.