My dvd drive is LITE-ON DVD+RW SOHW-802S [CD-ROM drive]....and I operate Windows XP Home Have tried to play a dvd using both win media 9 and 11 ....neither will play the dvd....message tells me I have a problem with copyright. Can anyone please tell me what I need to do, if any software is needed is there a freeware solution available.
Does this apply? Do you have the k-lite codec pack installed?
did these discs used to play? - download VLC player free and awesome, see if it plays, narrow down hardware / software...
""... this appears to apply to WMP 8.01 only Installed K-Lite codec pack..........WMP still would not play the DVD. Installed VLC player free.....when the dvd is opened using this software it works perfectly. Thank you for your valued assistance
hmmm, so its WMP v11, do you have it set to download need files when needed? (long shot) uninstall v11 and re-install (take note of install process i think there is a part/window which you can tick or untick options) allow it to get things it needs... -------- hmmm, problem with copyright it says on reading a disc (but you dont get error messages???) just warning box? are you playing different region dvd's ? like R2 uk/china R1 america? software/drives allow i think it is, 6 changes then lock! to last region...
Rolled back to wmp 9. Reinstalled wmp11. Installed 11 using custom inst. and ticked all the boxes. still wouldn't work. But then found in the box that you select the program you want to play your dvd from, that there was a new program called "Play DVD movie using media player classic". Tried that and it now works ok.