Windows Movie Maker files

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Ruffian15, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Ruffian15

    Ruffian15 Guest

    I hope someone can help. I paid $50 for a DVD of my son's Air Force graduation ceremony. They mailed it to me and it said that it won't play on DVD players manufactured after 2001. What??? Anyway, I tried to back it up and I can't even do that. It says it's Window Movie Maker files.

    Can someone give me a place to start to make this into a REAL DVD that people can actually watch on a DVD player?
  2. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    what are the extensions of these files? example .mpg, .wmv, .avi and so on..

    You could give this program a try Smart-Soft
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2007
  3. Ruffian15

    Ruffian15 Guest

    Oops! I made a mistake. It's not Windows Movie Maker at all.'s what it says when I put the disc in and click explore.

    There's a VIDEO_TS file. Inside there are 8 files.
    BUP file
    IFO file
    Nero Showtime file
    BUP file
    IFO file
    the last 3 are Nero ShowTime files

    Using the Nero InfoTool it says
    file system: ISO9660.UDF
    Video format: NTSC 4:3 (Mpeg 1, 720x480)

    This is what I don't get. I successfully backup all sorts of movies. Why am I having such a hard time with this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2007

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