ok i just formatted my c drive to get rid of partition errors that nobody would help me with and i got error loading operating syste. xp is on d so im not sure why windows is not loading. how can i get windows to boot again?
Was windows xp originally installed on c: partition, and you moved it to d: partition? When windows xp is moved around the registry drive letters will get mixed up. Download the demo of "paragon justboot corrector" and use that to analyze your non-booting hard drive. Even though your windows is in d: partition, the drive letter needs to be c: because that's where it's going to be looking for the start up files. The only programs I know that can change drive letters are "paragon" and "vcom partition commander pro version 10" boot have bootable repair utilitys. Use the demo from paragon to analyze your hard drive and see if thats your problem. http://www.justboot.us/boot_corrector.htm some freeware directions on changing drive letters http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=174958
windows originally installed on d and i had a blank partition on c that i used for music and data. i dont know how i got it to install on d but that is how it has always been. but i will look at those programs and see if they help.
Depending on what kind of partition error's you had, the repairs you did might have modified the hard drive, where windows is now having problems. My advice is for you to backup your windows partition with an imaging software "which can do backups from a boot cd" (acronis true image etc, some new hard drives come with imaging software) that way you have a known good copy of windows to reload in case your original gets damaged. As long as you don't modified or damage your windows partition that can always be brought back to life.(worst case scenario, you can reload a saved image of that partition on a new hard drive and get it to work that way) If you checked it with the demo of paragon and the system partition is anything other than "d" , than that's your problem. A simple drive letter change has got my computer to boot up when nothing else would. Sometimes when I've reformatted a partition, I've forgotten to give it a drive letter, and that has cause me problems. I think your problem has to do with the drive letters. Its a simple 5 minute fix. I would rule that out first before going to the next step.
thanks for your help but i think i am just going to reformat everything. the only important data not backed up are my game saves. i will load slax and back that stuff up to a flash drive then reinstall. and i still dont think changing the drive letter would work because windows installed on d. but o well. if only there were games on linux. thanks