I have a XP Pro SP2 machine and recently all windows sounds (little dings etc.) went silent. My sound card is working fine because all media files work fine through Windows Media Player and Winamp etc. Other than Windows sounds I have no sound with flash videos embedded in webpages like YouTube but webpages with wmv streams have sound. I have tweaked all settings and they seem to be pointing to my sound device and checked out the sound scheme under controls panel souunds option. Any tips for me will be appreciated. Thank you.
I have two words that will resolve your problem. Install Drivers. See what type of sound card you have and google the drivers.
I have already, they are the newest ones too. All this happened recently when all of a sudden flash movies had no sound within webpages but downloading and viewing them with an external player works fine. I use Firefox. Then I discovered Windows sounds being absent as well, like Boot sounds or when you plug in a USB device. I know its a strange issue but quite annoying when trying to watch anything streaming in flash as everything else all my videos and audio plays just fine.
I had the same problem and finally found the fix after a few hours on google. It fixes multiple problems that stem from a deletion of a single registry entry, specifically what is called the 'wavemapper'. Some people think it is caused by a critical bug in adobe's flash player. Anyway, here is the fix: This will fix: No Volume Control in Taskbar, no windows system sounds & schemes, & no flash player sound in Windows XP. All you need to do is to open registry editor by going to Start menu, Run, typing regedit and then press ENTER. After that, in the registry editor, walk yourself through the tree in the left pane, till you reach My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32 And then on the right pane, right click and click on New, select String value, enter "wavemapper" (without quots of course), press ENTER Then right-click on "wavemapper", select modify, and type "msacm32.drv" (without quotes)into the Value Data field. Close the registry editor. All should now be fine without a reboot.
subzerohc, You are the dogs bollocks, I want to kiss you. I have been struggling to fix this problem for ages and with a simple post you have done it. Thanks Anton
Hi - new to all this computer stuff - but I have the same no sound problem - went thru all the steps listed above and all was fine on the system - but still no sound on any sites on this puter - just a slight hum from my speakers - any suggestions/advise what could be wrong. Remember I'm new to all this - so kids language to me please - lol