Hi just tried to install the newest windows updates on my pc and am having trouble with these updates kb2982378, kb2985461, kb2977629? run windows update fixer from their microsoft site and got this error they could not repair "windows update error 0x80070057(2014-09-14-T-05_57_10A" tried to find out the error so I can get it fixed but no help from microsofts sites. I am running Windows 7 premium home 64 bit if that helps. any help appreciated.
Thursday, I also installed 12 latest updates. This was against my better judgement, what was I thinking? lol Later, I rebooted my computer and came up with a Black Screen with my mouse pointer setting in the middle of it. My C drive was empty and UN-alocated.. Lucky for me I had an image backup that I installed.. I'm not saying it was for sure the M$ updates but it does raise my suspicions and I'll not reinstall them until after further investigation.
Oops, I entered before I finished.. libbo2003, you can probably do a system restore to a time before the updates were installed. Updates usually set a restore point before installing.
2 weeks ago ms released 3 patches that caused pc's not too boot,i had them & managed to uninstall them,those 3 you list are not in my computer can only assume they were the faulty kb's as they are not offered for re download & i see no reason for home to be any different from win 7 64bit ultimate you also don't necessarily need all updates if certain software is not installed,left clicking on the update will bring up what it's for in the right column