Ok so i just found out that i dont have service pack two on my xp home edition so i clicke don my windows updater program and my computer opens an internet explorer window and it takes about 8 min to load a page that says you need to upgrade your updating software which i think means i need a newer version of windows undater. so it shows like the file downloading and then loading and the i get an error that says unable to load try again or something similiar this happens everytime so basically i have an unupdatable windows and my windows is completely legit no illegal stuff. so i was wondering if i could get like an actuall newer version of windows updater or a file to download and instal sp2
trry downloading service pack 2 manualy and installing it then try updater again. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx
u cant downlaod directly from microsoft because first it has to go through a windows update and which point i chose to download the new windows updater i see it downloads, copys, and registers and the i get this [Error number: 0x80070005] The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem. For self-help options: Frequently Asked Questions Find Solutions Windows Update Newsgroup For assisted support options: Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues)
That error is related to the Windows Genuine Advantage validation tool. http://www.kbalertz.com/Feedback_917499.aspx There is a diagnostic tool you can download. I suggest using Firefox and http://www.windizupdate.com and uninstalling WGA.