Windows Vista Wireless Internet Not Connecting!!!

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by marchowie, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. marchowie

    marchowie Member

    Nov 23, 2005
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    i was just wondering if anyone knew why my wireless internet is not workingwith not one but two of my windows vistga laptops but its working fine with my windows xp media centre pc its very strange it comes up with windows cannot connect to my wireless connection yet on xp media centre it will connect no problem iv tryed updating the wireless adapters software in my laptops did not help at all so if any1 can suggest some things to try id be more than grateful as i have two brand new vista wireless laptops basically useless now they dont work on ym internet connection unless hard wired which i dont want thanx a bunch guys
  2. tuxbox

    tuxbox Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    does your laptop running vista even pick up a signal? try moving your laptop closer to the router if it doesn't pick up anything then go complain to microsoft or you can buy a PCMCIA Adapter
  3. gamer17

    gamer17 Regular member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    check and make sure the wireless drivers are installed by holding down the windows button that is located between Ctrl and Alt, and while your holding down the windows button press "pause break" which is located at the top right of the keyboard. This should bring up system properties. then click device manager. once in device manager look for the devices that have a yellow question mark next to them. most likely it will be your network controller that has a yellow question mark next to it. If none of them have a yellow question mark next to it then you should be good to go.

    If you are able to see your wireless network when trying to connect then your wireless card in your laptops is working properly and you probably have a wep or wpa encryption on your wireless router, and your not typing in the wep or wpa key. therefore you are not able to get on the network because you don't have the password. If this is the case then you will need to call your router manufacturer and ask them to help you find out your wep encryption key, and have them help you connect to the network. most likely they will say they don't support vista yet. but its basically the same as xp just a little bit different navigation. so just tell them to help you find the wep key and then you will need to call microsoft to find out how to put the wep or wpa key in. i would explain how step by step but i left my laptop charger at my work over the weekend and my laptop that has vista on it is dead so i cant see exactly where to tell you to click. so have fun hope i helped.

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