If I get WIndows Vista Upgrade from Windows media center 05, does it delete everything on the computer ? Windows Vista worth it?
I wasn't able to use the "upgrade feature" when installing windows vista on my xp media center 05... I had to reformat :-(
Upgrading is never desirable and is only provided as a convenience: If you want to change OS', reformat and install fresh. There are too many differences between OS', especially in the case of a pre-Vista-to-Vista conversion since Vista does not support FAT32 filesystems. There are really a lot of intricacies at work. As far as Vista goes, DO NOT use Vista anyway, regardless of whether you want to start from a fresh slate and have a machine which can really handle the full version of Vista. There is an extensive thread here on this topic but major problems are cropping up with Vista, including severe and actively-exploited security flaws as well as functionality and performance problems. Vista is a major step backwards in the short-term and looks like it will be in the long-term even if the all the kinks were to be worked out.
Hmmm... Is Vista worth it?......Yyyy.......No!..I son't really like it that much and the compatibility with older software isn't that great.
Lets be honest.. It's a turkey. ME take 2, with heaps of other junk thrown in. I don't think it's even worth the time it takes to install, let alone the extortionate price they charge,
I know the price is kind of high..but you can install any version of vista using only the upgrade disk (no OS requred at all).
But after reading lots of opinions from all over the internet.. Why would anybody in their right mind install this load of junk? There isn't anything new in it.. If anything it's a step backwards.
So more mony can be made by creating a new OS and "fixing" the errors that were intentionally made...
That's the problem, you follow all these "opinions", ever check anything out for yourself? I've been running Vista since November and haven't had a single problem, which is alot more that I can say for that hunk of garbage they call XP (in case you forgot, XP had problems coming out the yin yang for the first year and a half it was out). I despise Microsoft as much as the next guy, but this time they actually took the time to fix most of the bugs before release(longest release time in Microsoft history). Of course there are going to be a few problems in the beginning, that's no different than any other piece of software. At least they did their homework this time.
Ca$h, edit those links out of your sig ASAP. 3. Providing affilate tagged links to products or services is not allowed.
Suit yourself.. You are the only person I have ever heard say they have had no problems with this lump of junk... Even some of the most stalwart of M$ supporters and reviewers are really not happy. And are publicly admitting they don't like what they are seeing. How else are people supposed to find out what others think, and form an opinion without listening to the views and opinions of others?? The long release time was caused by the failure of the proposed new file system to work at all.. and implementing the internal data encryption demanded by the mpaa and riaa.. nothing to do with M$ who left to their own devices would rather have spent the time fixing the file system and ironing out bugs. I have plenty of first hand experience of vista.. uninstalling it from laptops and desktop systems newly bought.. because it doesn't work with the software the customers own and want/need to use...... great product eh? Trouble is what zippy calls "sheeple" people who follow the herd, they have to have something because A) it's new.. and B) because they believe all the crap hype and advertising that tells them they will be unable to function without it.. Vista is not great. It is expensive and flawed.. in design and intent. It fixes none of the faults in XP, just makes more certain that your rights as an owner of hardware and software will be taken further from your control and put further into the pockets of big business.. Vista is a direct attack on every independent software writer and developer. It is a direct attack with the other "M$ only" file formats on all alternative operating systems.. It is an attempt to make a M$ only internet and computing environment.. An attempt at a total and complete monopoly of all IT and entertainment online and in the home/office... We all agree monopolies are bad things.. so what is really so great about this situation?? For info: I have NO M$ or M$ compitable software whatsoever on my systems.. A free open source computer user (apart from the odd codec and driver.. but those are *nix versions too) and very opinionated about closed source commercial software..
ireland.. you most certainly may have the last word.. I just wish that word was.... "DISCONTINUED" Your picture makes a great cover.. looks good in a jewel case. Any chance of a rear insert too? I want to give them away on the OEM disks that come with new systems.