i started this thred because i just got win vista prem. and would like to disscuse about it and woul like to know how to use it and what it is capable of doing thanks
good luck. you won't find many vista supporters on this forum. for the most part, we all feel it's total bovine manure. but here's a bump. maybe someone somewhere will like it like you do.
i don't necessarily like it but lets face the fact that nobody can stop it from being a success.nearly every single modern computer sold will be running vista,all the new software...will be made for vista.so guess what,as much as you don't like it, it's going to be success(like every single windows OS)and you will have to get it sooner or later if you want to stay up to date with the coolest and fastest programs. don't get me wrong,I'd boycott it if i could,but there aren't enough people willing to boycott it,so the conclusion stands:in 4,5 years everybody will have vista!
linux and (as much as i hate it) mac are continuously growing as people become fed up with MS. a revolution will happen, it will just take time and resolve.
I agree with Bunny on this....unfortunately, not many people know that you do have a choice. This choices stems from being able to remember that you do have one...so spread the word. Best Buy, Circuit City...you don't have to go to a computer store and be stuck with an OS. If you buy your system online, make sure you tell the customer representative that you want what you want, or no sale. If the system comes preloaded anyways, grab a copy of another OS. or......build it yourself, have someone build it for you. There are always choices....but as bunny said, you leave that up to another person, and it has no other option but to succeed.
a few general comments i saw on another site that sum up how I feel about Windoze Visitor: could not, repeat could not have said it better myself
If you do decide to go vista, here's how to load it properly http://www.break.com/index/how_to_properly_load_vista.html
I know they get a lot of criticism,nevertheless,they do give out free Cd's of there OS. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu...direct=download Or get it shipped.I've tried this and it really works(it's not a scam to send you ad's) https://shipit.ubuntu.com/login Try spreading the word of free Os's... You never know,maybe one day Windows will disappear
Vista isn't all that bad, you guys all sound just like everybody did back when XP was first released and all people could do was complain about how buggy and unstable it was and about how nothing would work correctly with it. I've been running the Vista Ultimate RC2 since November, and it runs just fine, and as far as everybody complaining about things like UAC and DEP, all you have to do is disable them, no great mystery to it. As for games, I haven't found one yet that doesn't work with it, and even if you can't use the Aero Glass interface, you can still choose the Vista Basic look (only real difference between them is opacity and Alpha Blending). As far as I'm concerned, Vista works better than XP ever did. I still consider XP to be the biggest hunk of coding trash that ever came down the wire(except for WinME). At least with Vista they took the time to develop it right instead of releasing it too early to save their profit margin like they did with XP.
@ dragondog.. Linux will run on anything from a commodore 64 onwards. It's free (like in free beer) and you can chose to have whatever packages you want (or none if you like the burn of setting every single bit of it up to your liking) PCLinux is nice, as are Mandriva, suse, debian, and the 500 or so others. Some are hard, some are easy. I like my linux on the hard side, it's all about freedom.. The freedom to choose. http://afterdark13.11.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=268
janrocks...is ubuntu good? im do not know any thing bout linux but i am willing to learn most i can bout linux give me free site you think is best linux plz thank you
i dl a lot of music and rip alot of dvds plus real big into cool features.......i have a 60 gig hd and a 80 gig(extra sorage) but i want to use it for a linux os....512 ram what do you think? also have laptop running vista but its staying as is
yes bunny i downloaded it already but is it any good does it do well with media such as music dvds so on.....what r the diff. ones and whats diff bout them? not saying that i dont care bout ubuntu cuz i got it and is going to try it out but just trying to get to know the linux wourld .....thank you for the info