windows won't start

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by ricky91, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. ricky91

    ricky91 Guest

    after trying to install windows xp again with a scratched cd i deleted all the system files and now it wont boot at all. i was thinking if i got windows boot disk and booted them i could probably get a new copy of windows xp and copy the files again to the comp but could it work because mines scratched. also it doesnt have to be the brand of th ecompyuter to reinstall windows does it?
  2. morph3ous

    morph3ous Guest

    can you n ot simply get another xp disk and reinstall from there, it gives you option to format or repair i am sure of it :)
    i think you may need to change cdrom to first boot device though, not sure.
    but thats easy to do anyway.

    hope this helps
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2006
  3. ricky91

    ricky91 Guest

    it won't install its a optima windows xp home edition cd it came with the old computer....and i tried putting a acer os cd in aswell...but it wont copy the files.
  4. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    Try gettin a boot disk from and use the win98 boot disk and it will start the pc up with the CD drive also and then try installin windows through DOS.

    keep me posted...
  5. ricky91

    ricky91 Guest

    i had already tried the windows xp boot disk but after the setup from boot disk it asks for the windows xp cd again...any ideas?
  6. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    so u dont have a Win XP cd??

    I was suggesting u get a win98 bootdisk it works better than an XP startup disk.
  7. ricky91

    ricky91 Guest

    its a recover cd that has windows on it and could i install it with the set up boot disks
  8. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    If it has windows on it. It should allow you too install it with the Startup disk.
  9. ricky91

    ricky91 Guest

    it deletes widnows before its installs
  10. merlin99

    merlin99 Guest

    If it's an emachine computer or some other sort like will have to have the factory reinstall disc,because regular windows xp wont install all the drivers to the motherboard that it needs ,such as sound-bios etc....but I have a way of merging windows xp with whatever type of computer you have creating you a custom cd that includes all drivers you need and cd key built in the cd.If you get feed up enough just email me at i' edited by ddp ....or if you have skype messenger just ( I.M. me at i'manidiot edited by ddp) try skype its cool..i'll work with you till it's fixed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2006
  11. merlin99

    merlin99 Guest

    http://www.i' edited by ddp
    windows xp with a twist.

    This is a great OS utility for the price installation needed.just pop in the cd and run windows from cd.get your while they cd keys or activation required.comes with cd burning software,antivirus ,antispyware,firefox explorer and more.

    A live CD contains an OS configured to run directly off the CD, ie, it need not be installed on the system. Just pop the CD into the system’s drive, boot from it and the OS will be up and running, without tampering with the OS loaded on your system’s hard drive. This can be a very handy tool for network administrators for tasks such as, recovering data from crashed desktops or doing other troubleshooting tasks. Companies that want to demonstrate their software products to clients could also use it. They would, however, need to integrate their product with the OS that is running on the live CD. Similarly, educational institutes could use it to provide training to students, or even cyber cafes could get diskless workstations, boot them off a live OS and provide Internet access. As we can see, there are plenty of uses for a live CD. Most live CDs till now had been based on Linux, with the most popular one being Knoppix. But, now there’s a live CD that runs Win XP.

    http://www.i' edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2006
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    merlin99, lightning struck!!!

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