Hi I have windows Xp and when i go to websites they sometimes show me what my IP address is and where i actually live ><. SO I have a firewall and a Anti-viruse program but it still shows me my ip address and where i live... IS there a way to make it so you can not see where i live and what my ip address is? thanks.
want you need is a proxy of some sort. to replace your original ip with another. try useing tor but here's the thing. any website will be able to track you if it really wants to. most websites do. its not that much to get worried about. even with this thing they still will be able to, just not as easily. dont get yourself into any program that wants you to pay, cus its not worth it.
also, they cant tell where you live, its impossible for a civilian. only the city, thats all. like i said, nothing to get worried about.