2 months ago did a clean install of windows xp pro to upgrade drivers, get rid of stupid extra stuff, upgrade programs etc...the system was working fine(yeah, I learned my lesson, if it ain't broke don't fix it)after the clean install I'm having crash after crash after crash...depending on how long I'm on the computer, at least 2 and up to 5 a day. Crash to black screen, reboot and "You're computer has recovered from a serious error" message with no other error code or numbers. No new hardware or software I didn't use before the clean install. Just great. It doesn't crash when any one particular program is running either so I can't pinpoint the problem. Mostly with Windows Media Player, Itunes, Firefox or Photoshop Elements, but that's not real definitive as those are programs I run often...but then I can use DVD Decrypter and DVD Rebuilder for 8 hours straight and no crashing, so maybe it is due to those programs...If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated, I've googled this problem and have been through, like, 1,000 pages trying to find a solution. Thanks
When I was learning to make a slipstreamed XP disc [with updated drivers] with an unattended install, I did a number installs. At one point I used the lastest video and sound card dirvers. I later found these to be incompatible. The updates for these drivers was mainly for the x64 version. So I backed up to a early version and have not updated the card drivers since. I do not know if this is applies to you or not.
Since part of what I did differently was use all the latest drivers perhaps this is the problem, at least it gives me somewhere to start problem solving, thanks for the advice! This is too funny though, about 30 seconds after I posted this reply, my computer crashed again...Lol.
Have you checked for viruses. Check your CPU temp. Take a look at the event veiwer for a clue. edit Crash dump debug help
im with you systah, its annoying i know i have the same problem too!! maybe my problem is i have a low RAM, thats why i downgraded my os to win2000 i still get errors, but im guessing its still the ow RAM theory.... hehehe
Yeah, but this is the same system that was working perfectly before the clean install and I downloaded my anti-virus and spyware blaster programs first and updated them after I got all the Windows XP updates, so I doubt it's a virus, I also have 4 good fans that were adequately cooling my system down before the clean install and I've got a 450 PWS and 2 gigs of RAM. I'm thinking it's gotta be a driver issue...And it's way beyond the realm of annoying and into the depths of a "kill, kill, kill" psychosis.
If you have an extra video card lying around, put that in and see if that fixes it. I would also try swapping your memory modules to different slots ,or removing one of them and running the computer on one memory stick. Sometimes parts are weak and start failing after all the rebooting during a os installation. If it is a driver problem I would concentrate on your video card drivers (possibly downgrading drivers). Sometimes placing another large fan blowing directly on your video card will do the trick, especially if you got a high-end video card. For me when I've had crashes on my computers it's always been the video card or memory. Even though you didn't replace part's, it would be a good idea to rule out the hardware area also.
If you can't find the problem, try another clean install without the driver updates. Then do one upgrade at a time to check for crashes. I know it's a pain but if have no other choice.