Windows Xp, EFS salaus

Discussion in 'Windows -ongelmat' started by LazyLizard, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. LazyLizard

    LazyLizard Member

    Dec 15, 2010
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    Ongelma seuraavanlainen: Kuvat ja videot salauksen takana. Joskus salasin tiedostot windowsin omalla salauksella jonka jälkeen olen useamman kerran asentanut käyttöjärjestelmän uudestaan. Onko neuvoja miten saisin tiedostot jälleen käyttöön?
  2. tukis

    tukis Guest

    Tuolla voisi kokeilla onnistuuko

    "Advanced EFS Data Recovery is a powerful data recovery tool that helps recovering the encrypted files under various circumstances.

    EFS-protected disk inserted into a different PC
    Deleted users or user profiles
    User transferred into a different domain without EFS consideration
    Account password reset performed by system administrator without EFS consideration
    Damaged disk, corrupted file system, unbootable operating system
    Reinstalled Windows or computer upgrades
    Formatted system partitions with encrypted files left on another disk"

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