hello i am having a problem with my windows. i burned a copy off my buddies original disc and installed in mine. It says i have to activate it. I tried putting the key in but it says incorrect. I know for sure its the right cd-key. I was told some windows disc can only install once on one computer. Is that true? or if anyone has solution please help me thanx.
Ok... Is the licence key YOUR key and on a proper sticker? If so that key may be for HOME edition? And if you mean can you install ONE Licensed copy of windows on multiple machines, then the answear is No... ONE License per machine.
i have installed a few comps with same disc befor but this is a diff windows copy and wont allow me too
sorry let me reply better. i had a xp disc at one point and installed it in all my comps. then disc got messed up and wouldnt work anymore. so a buddy of mine let me burn his disc with his key and then installed it and now its saying incorrect key.already installed just activation icon is here.
So the key went in OK when you installed XP, but when you come to activate windows its says the key is already used? Plus legally you should not use your Friends licence key if he is using it also....
Did you put that XP pro disc in when you were in windows and let it autostart?... You might have preformed an upgrade... Did you have XP pro to start with or XP home?
Don't activate via the net if your friend is using that same key already. You choose to activate by phone, then put your cd key on and click on Next. Try that to see if it works.
i don't recomend registering at all. if your mate is using the same key. you only need to register if you want to use windows update. which i'm assuming you would want to do. even so you needn't register it just go here http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/28/microsoft_genuine_ad.html give thanks to ddp for the link
No... You have to activate windows within 30 days from a new install! Then it wont let you on... That link is a work around for the windows updates so it bypasses the activation/key check etc... Still need to activate to use windows after 30 days though... (dont start asking how can you surcomvent the activation)