Hi Im looking for a cool win XP theme, my current one is standard with a silver colour. i found a website- http://www.appleblossomart.com/xpthemes.htm i wanted to download the car theme, but when i downloaded it, it saved as a setup up i ran the setup and i got no new theme it just installed a internet toolbar, could someone tell me if im doing something wrong or is it the website? And if so could someone give me a few links to cool websites for FREE theme, i think you do it in display properties on the desktop>themes and then go to browse, and pick some file or something, could someone also help with that. P.S i downloaded desktop architect from another website i dont really now how to use it i havent explored but it could be some help. Thanks for help everyone
Check out http://www.wincustomize.com its a much better site for Themes and much more, plus that site might have installed adaware when you installed the theme, wincustomize is much more widley trusted an used! : )
No, adaware is not antivirus... AdawareSE is the scanner to scan for adaware... Programes like Norton Antivirus are Virus scanners... Update and Run your AdawareSE see if it picks anything up... But like i say www.wincustomize.com is the place to go for themes : )
ok so it did not download anything harmfull on PC did it? and also how do i install and apply those themes?
I dont know if it installed any! I just said it might have done... Just read through wincustomize's site, everything is explained there...