I got windows xp h/e and i bought pro edition and i want to install p/e but i still want my files and game saves and that. what do i do?
you could just put the PE in your drive when your on your comp and try updating but i would sugges you backup your files on a disc before hand because teh update / keep file structure option isnt great
ya dude backup your files and just reinstall all your games. A clean install is worth it. What O/S are you upgrading from?
Save your created data, reformat/install xppro, and re-install your apps/games. You really can't do what you're first thinking you want to do because xppro isn't an 'upgrade' but a different version of o/s, and even if you could, you'd probably introduce 'issues' that you'd eventually have to reformat anyway. If anything you need to start working with ONE place you save wanted stuff, know some of the regular files created by apps to save at format times, and apps/games, etc, just have to be re-installed after format- no other way. Any 'tools' you find to 'try' to do these things? After you gain some miles in the subject you'll find preference to reformat/re-install everytime instead. sc
Oh yeah, It feels like you just got that computer when you reformat. It feels even better if you add extra memory or hardrive after you reformat.
dont want to highjack the thread but what do you guys think of running two harddrives one for the OS and one for everything else programs,downloads etc.i heard it makes your system more stable.
I don't know about more stable .. but it sure makes it alot easier to reformat. No need to worry about transfering data or backing it up.
Morning ddp and all,i myself use 4 internal hard drives,main i use a 40gb or a 75gb hard drive..and its only used for programs..i never partition a hard drive,as that give ye false security if ye store data on the 2nd partition..if ye lose ye system drive with both partition's ye lose the whole ball of wax. i am also a believer in using external hard drives to store data and i have a ton of them.