Someone had gave me a 1300mhz 30 gig HD 256sdr memory everythiing else is basic.....I bought a windows XP disk and I tryed to install windows. After about 57% of the (Coping System Files) its saids that p3.sys, RPcrt4.dll, Modem.sys Parport.sys, KS.sys, WDmaud.drv and Pjlmon.dll cant be copied. It gives your the option to press esc to continue afterwards It finishs and saids it needs to be restarted and after it restarts It starts back up. It starts the installation part of the operating system XPHO. So I tryed the disk on a different computer and it worked perfectly no problems. So I changed my Cd-rom and it didnt work. So now im stuck im not sure whats going on. I was wondering if anyone would know how to help me out I would greatly appreiciate it. (would it help if i said i was giving it to my son )
I also was wondering if you could explain to me how to set my Hard drive to master i set the jumper to master but during the boot up...the auto detect wont detect it as a 'MASTER' only a "SLAVE" I only have 1 HD in my tower....Also i wanted to update you.... I did try a different Hard drive and I got the same windows XP problem but yes maybe its a fault Hard drive but the hard drives I used were throw aways, that someone had thrown aaway but i do have another tower with working xp so i think imma try and take that Hard drive out and put it in the other tower and reformat and reinstall windows.....Hopefully this works besides that could you explain to me how to make it the primary hard drive and also if there is a boot sequence. I think its only booting from the CD. im not sure if it should only boot from CD.
The instructions for setting jumpers are printed on the top of the HDD. Setting the first boot device as the CD/DVD is required for installing windows - but if you got into the installer at all, you did it right.
who makes the hard drive because western digital drives if only drive on data cable is not jumpered if master? is the computer a name brand like dell or a clone bought from local computer store?