I used WinDVD Creator to author a home video (which was initially in a wmv format). I am experiencing two problems with this. First is that the Menu and Chapter screens has garbage audio...although I selected an MP3 file which also plays properly in the preview mode. When I play it on my DVD, the audio comes as garbabe (some crackling noise). The second problem I am having (and I am not sure if this is a WinDVD related problem) is that the video plays with some amount of discrete motion--it's tough to put it in words, but I'll try...the video is not pixelated or anything, it's quite clear...but when the camera moves (i.e. when there is motion in the video), it is not smooth and continuous as the original video...it's more like in slower motion, frame by frame, and it hurts the eye. Of course, it's not that slow and most viewers would probably not notice it...but it is definitely not like the original. Simply put, the motion is just a little discrete and not continuous. This happened even when I imported VOB files from an already exisitng DVD (home video) and authored it (to add chapters etc) using WinDVD Creator. Any help is appreciated!