I was listening to music through Winamp when I opened WinDVD. The volume lowered. So I raised the volume on WinDVD all the way, and so the volume of my music was raised. But then I closed WinDVD. Bye-bye high volume. For some reason, WinDVD decides it doesn't want to keep my volume at 100%. I try and try again, but it won't hold. So I had to raise the volume on my speakers. Is there a way to fix this? :|
You can try watching your DVD with VideoLan www.videolan.org but you have to go to the ftp site and get version 0.8.0 I haven't tried it with another app running, but when I move the volume in VideoLan, it can boost even quiet DVDs way up, without changing the slider on the Windows Volume Control. So, even if it doesn't work in this situation, it's free and good to have.(they might be taking it down soon so it's good to get it now.) The newer version, 0.8.2 works fine, but it doesn't have this same property of boosting the volume way up. So I have both installed.