I recently reconfigured my computer so less programs start up when i turn on my computer and added the Zone Alarm firewall as well...I created an exception in the firewall to allow Winmx to work fine but since the changes my searches turn up about 10 percent of the amount of results previous to the changes and instead of the normal hundreds of channels I now get a handful...Any ideas?
WinMX got in trouble with RIAA. But read this: http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/downloadingfiles/a/winmxdownload.htm
Hello, I've bee folowing developments on winmx and have put together a website to tell more about how .what..what neede te reconnect. http://cursus.homelinux.org/WinMX/ Greetz, Dolarcol
Hello, I've bee folowing developments on winmx and have put together a website to tell more about how/what/whats needed te reconnect. http://cursus.homelinux.org/WinMX/ Greetz, Dolarcol
keep ya drawers on........ why is everyone trying to revive winmx...it's like keeping someone on life support..... it probably is hard for those who are used to it, but try others....they have plenty of files circualting...and winmx won't have, seeing as only a portion of winmx'ers have clocked[whats wron with this 1] on to the patch/fix...
Dolarcol: the page doesn't even open so we can't see what you put together; hopefully it's something we haven't seen yet (as Vlad44 has already covered all the available details).
Site was down for maintanance, pls try again its up and just updated yesterday (did major rewrite) A lot of people reconnected using the described method there pls spread this info if you can pls, ty http://cursus.homelinux.org/WinMX/ Greetz, Dolarcol ps Lethal_B I didn't say you have to use WinMX, only stating you (still) can if you want to ... are you riaa related perhaps ? ;0)
@dolarcol, Your site link still doesn't open. I have already patched WINMX but as stated because of the few number of members that have done so the search feature brings up very few results at this time. Hopefully if more members return to WINMX it will get back to its old self in time. Jerry
With help it will be ;0) ... odd, you can't connect to http://cursus.homelinux.org/WinMX/ ... I see hits on my url in my webserverlog ... ... any others that can connect to this url ? Greetz, Dolarcol
Hello Doralcol, Thanks for relaying what you have learned. It worked for me and my friends, we are almost all back online . Thank you for all the hard work, you did for us. grannyoke.
http://cursus.homelinux.org/WinMX has moved to http://winmx.kicks-ass.org/ is up and mirrored at http://www.de-zoeteinval.nl/WinMX/ so you could be able to run WinMX once more if you wan't to - If you don't like me relaying how to do that on your site Lethel B thats up to you ... Greetz, Dolarcol