have a Linksys wireless router, when i was using a crossover cable to the router Xlink kai would start up and detect everything just fine and FTP wprked as well. Today i bought a Linksys WGA54G wireless gaming adapter. I went through the set up disk (with a Linksys tech) and saved the settings, plugged it into the Xbox and then turned on the Xbox. I have it set up in my MS Dash (with Linksys tech)which seems to be ok as it says connected, but can not do anything with EvoX no matter what settings i use, Static with manual config, or DHCP PC set up DHCP IP address is Subnet Mask Default Gateway DNS & 186 & 187 Xbox set to DHCP shows IP as on dashboard Whe set up manually it has IP subnet mask, gateway & DNS all match the above still nothing IP of adapter is when plugged into the router i can ping it just fine. When plugged into Xbox all lights on front are lit up which would not be if it is not gettting a signal, like the eithernet light goes out when i turn of the Xbox When using Xlink Kai it will say it is reachabe and console is configured correctly. But when i put in a game i search for games in system link it will never find one even if i know one is there. With the crossover it will find games just fine. I have tried EVERYTHING i can think up to make an FTP connection and nothing is working