I downloaded a .wmv formatted video from Amazon unbox. I would like to put it on dvd, and I know I need to encode it to a format first. I have Vso's software: ConvertXtoDvd, and it seems to do well with all of my other files, but not this video. i cannot tell you how many encoders i have tried to use, and how much agony it causes me. In ConvertX, i see a video preview. It is nothing but that weird color mesh thing. It kinda looks all choppy and green looking: All of the encoders and converters i have tried say this file is not supported even tho it works with all of my other .wmv videos. Any ideas?
it look like the video is bad,why don't you run this file through g-spot and see what it tells you, you might try and see if you can't find the file in a different format
How come my .WMV files doesn't work for me?? I have the latest version of ConvertxtoDvd (1.18??) but it's done burning and I put it into my DVD player, it gets pixelated in some parts of the movie =/ The program works fine for my .AVI files though I know I'm not answering your questions, but I was just wondering if you're having the same problem
cheep media will cause the problems you have, you might try running this through isobuster and extract the mpeg from the file and thain convert with convertxtodvd2, when i have a file that i am having problems with, this is what works for me
Thanks =D But I don't think my file is cheap =/ It's a 700MB movie >.< And everytime I convert it to .AVI, it takes alot of space like over 4.0GB! How can that be when a DVD is only 4.3GB?
the cheep media i am talking about is the disk that you are puting your downloaded file on, types of cheep media are memorex ,staples,any off brand no label blank dvd's, try to use good media like fuji, verbs, tyuden, now do you understand? and as far as cheep file did you pay for the file? if so get a hold of the place where you bought this file, and tell the people that the file that you paid for has problems, and see what they say when you ask for your money back!
OHH! ^^; Okay, I get it now =) My DVD is Imation, but I'll try another DVD and see what happens. Thanks so much for your help =D