I have recently ugraded my windows XP. Since then I can't just boot into my user name. When I switch on my PC I automatically get logged in as an administrator and have to log out to log back in again under my own name, (which also has admistrator rights). I have checked user accounts through the control panel but it only shows mine and guest (which is turned off) and mine appears to be the default one. How do I set the system that on booting it automatically goes straight to my log in, (bypassing log on page if possible). Many thanks in advance.
http://download.microsoft.com/downl...a6-b352-839afb2a2679/TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe install that then look at setting "logon/autologon"
Thanks for the reply. There is a tick in the box to log me on as administrator. I take it I enter my own name in its place? Go raibh maith agat (thank you).