wont recognise old drive

Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by sammo_101, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. sammo_101

    sammo_101 Guest

    ive just taken out my cdrw and replaced it with a pioneer dvr-105 which i bought second hand. i still have my original dvd rom in the computer.
    i done everything that i was meant to, but when i turnt the computer on, went into my computer but it now only recognises the new drive and now the old one. if i right click on the drive and eject it ejects both, but if i put any disk in the old drive if doesnt do anything with it.
    if i disconnect the new drive and boot up my comp, my computer recognises the dvd drive and then it reads disks and does everything normally.
    can someone help me please!
    all help appreciated
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Check the jumpers on both drives.. If they are on the same cable one needs to be master, the other slave.
  3. sammo_101

    sammo_101 Guest

    can you explain how to do this please. thanks for ur help so far :):):):):)
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Check the jumpers on the back of the drives next to where the IDE cable comes in (big grey one). You should see something like "MA CS SL" which is Master, Cable Select, Slave. Check which one is used on the drive.
    One drive needs to be set "master" and the other (I'm still assuming they are on the same cable here) to "slave"

    [​IMG] Between the wide grey cable and the thin audio one there is a place where it is labelled on this drive. Yours will be similar.

    OK it's a cd drive. I can't find a good picture of a dvd drive.
  5. sammo_101

    sammo_101 Guest

    thankyou very much for the advice you gave me! this has now solved my problem!! :):):)
    i really owe you one mate, thanks alot!

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