World of Warcraft gold

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by dman5210, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. dman5210

    dman5210 Member

    Jul 16, 2008
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    hi can someone give me tips on getting gold on warcraft? i hav some trouble. thax.
  2. stingyguy

    stingyguy Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    What level are you? If you're already 70 its a no brainer, just do dailies and grind primals. If you're starting from scratch though, here are a few tips:

    Take mining and skinning as your tradeskills. You can always switch later, but these help alot, you can sell 20 copper easily for 2-3 gold on most servers. Skin is not so good until you get to rugged, but it helps.

    Stay away from the AH when it comes to buying! You can get the same greens as quest rewards, its usually not worth buying anything while you're leveling, unless you have alot of spare gold.

    PICK UP EVERYTHING! This is one of the most important tips. Its easy to run into situations where you stop picking up loot because you are running out of room (Oh yeah, make sure you buy some bags!), but its not a good idea, whatever you find most likely someone is willing to buy it, and if not you can always sell it to a vendor.

    Good luck, hope you can use some of those to help you.

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