Hey, I was wondering if there were any world of warcraft users here? My name is "Afterdawner" and im a night elf
Damn i wanna get that game, I saw 1 video and got hooked but my cpu wont support it ,lol gotta get a new computer
Yeah, its a VERY addictive game LOL, yeah i didnt think my graphics card would be supported but it is
If I get I would lag like mad casue I have 128mb of ram lol and dial up lol, It won Game of the year , it deserves it
lol, a lot of my friends play on hacked server but thats suck not as fun as playing with everybody thats way better
Yeah I play .... man this game is addictive! I'm a dwarf (hunter) named "Howller". I love hittin the horde! Hey they gank me all the time!!
Hehehe yeah i love going to the battle grounds especially Warsung gulch im only ranked as private tho I might see you on there sometime ???
Well I was thinking of getting it this Holiday, can't wait till Warcraft IV comes out, the exspanision for III was good 2
@Alien13, hi this is aaron (gwens son) i play too, my name is Bonechisle amd im a night elf rogue and i pwn horde nubs, i was wondering if there are any ports that i can open on the router to make the game play better. we have a D-Link router DI-704P
Hey, cool i hope you do doggy_bot Cool, i will have to add you And im not sure what ports to open, i havent got any open on mine, but on http://www.portforward.com they tell you how to open ports for the WoW downloader.
excellent game, but unfortunately i don`t plays games of the this kind type. perhaps because into question is net role game.
some one metiond some thing about hacked servers? well if u can play for free then im in! i always asumed that u had to pay for that game so i just ignored it...but if theres a way to play for free... well if so let me no PLZ!!!?!!??!?!