hi...been awhile since iv'e been here,busy,busy,you know how it gets ok heres my problem,i have a friend in the states who sends me movies along with a backup,now he uses ridata DVD-R,they work flawlessly on all my standalone players,and yet when i back up my movies on ridata DVD-R they only work on one of my standalone players....i use dvddecryptor,clonedvd2,dvd shrink or dvd xpress(321).i just do a 1:1 copy,so is it the way i back-up my movies or is it that i'm not using true blue ridata discs? dvddecryptor says its ridata GO4,but when i look on the disc i can't see a ridata ensignia on the inner part of the disc(centre ring)i'm starting to wonder if iv'e been ripped off with fake discs any help appreciated
I would compare methods used first. It is possible that the burning method to the disk might be different between you friend and you. Or your disks might be more compressed than your friend, which can cause some problems with some standalone players. DVD xpress uses compression and so does some of the other programs so really not a 1:1. I would first try the same back up method as your friend and see if it the same for the same movie.
No problem, I may or may not be the compression issue. Have noticed that does effect some stand alones. Like RCA. Hope it all works out.
DVD Identifier or DVD InfoPro, both are excellent (and free) for disc and system information. Very user friendly.