I'm looking to take out my stock HDD and replace it with the one in the link above. If I'm running a softmodded XBox with the UnleashX dashboard in case anyone needs to know. I looked on to see if it was compatible but I thought I'd run it by everyone here just to be sure. Oh and if anyone knows where I can get it for a better price please let me know.
Thanks alot I used your XBox HDD Super Tutorial and everything was easy to follow and my new HDD is now in my XBox. The only problem that I encountered was because I was using a Compaq where it kept telling that the HDD was frozon when I tried to lock the HDD, but after finding a solution online (I had to connect the HDD after booting my PC into the main Xboxhdm v1.9 menu) so you might want to include that in your tutorial for other Compaq users.
I have it written in there somewhere, I think it's in "HotSwap Tips". I might make sure it's clear! That's a common problem, glad you like the tutorial!