wow my steam account got stolen named Automated Help, i need help!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by raineir, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. raineir

    raineir Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    well heres wat happen
    i was playing counterstrike source
    and this automated help added me before and he messaged me and he wanted my acocunt or else he would terminate it, he thinks hes the admin but F no

    i need to find out if there is a way to get it back, he changed my password, all my stuff so i cant retrieve my account back, i want him to be banned and banned his ip forever and to claim my account back

    heres his account

    here WAS my account which he changed my name to automated help, im guessing he puts that so that people could start blaming me for stealing accounts and that i have a picture on

    heres my account right now, i wasted 40$ from my old account, so i bought 10$ for my new account

    i need my account back

    for proof
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Automated Help: Hello, this is the Automated Help system, supported by
    We have detected that your account has been accessed across multiple IPs.
    This means that your account has been used over more then one (1) IP
    and we informing you that your account will shutdown within the next 24 hours.
    We will need the following information to figure out this case. (case #Aqur4487):
    Your current Username:
    Your current Email address:
    Your current Internet Provider:
    Your current Password:
    If this information is not submitted within the next 24 hours there will be a ban towards your account.
    Message from
    Automated Help: Hello, this is the Automated Help system, supported by
    We have detected that your account has been accessed across multiple IPs.
    This means that your account has been used over more then one (1) IP
    and we informing you that your account will shutdown within the next 24 hours.
    We will need the following information to figure out this case. (case #Aqur4487):
    Your current Username:
    Your current Email address:
    Your current Internet Provider:
    Your current Password:
    If this information is not submitted within the next 24 hours there will be a ban towards your account.
    Message from
    xXraineirXx: whny?
    xXraineirXx: liar
    Automated Help: Sir, We have detected that your account has been logged into more then 1 IP.
    xXraineirXx: yeah right
    xXraineirXx: u are lieng
    xXraineirXx: why do i have to give my password?
    Automated Help: Sir, Please enter the information that we request or i will have to terminate your account.
    xXraineirXx: well dont mess it up
    xXraineirXx: pls
    Automated Help: Sir, I wont mess it up im just gonna check it out.
    xXraineirXx: check out what?
    Automated Help: Sir, I need to check if your account has been logged into more then one(1) IP.
    Automated Help: Sir, If it hasnt then you can begin doing what you were.
    xXraineirXx: but im the owner of this account
    xXraineirXx: its not like ive stole it
    Automated Help: Sir, Ok I just need to check it out it will take less then 5 minutes then you can return to what you were doing.
    xXraineirXx: well whose these?
    Automated Help: Sir, Excuse me?
    xXraineirXx: who is this?
    Automated Help: Sir, This is a Steam Admin.
    xXraineirXx: .............
    xXraineirXx: so wat happens if there is more than 1 person?
    xXraineirXx: ive changed my password since 2 days ago
    xXraineirXx: theres no one gonna steal my account though..
    Automated Help: Sir, Nothing will happen i will just manually deleted the game from the other IP.
    xXraineirXx: do u know who they are/
    Automated Help: Sir, I gotta check to see the IP. Then I will no were the guy lives and all his information.
    Automated Help: Sir, I wasted to much time i need the information that I asked for.
    xXraineirXx: ok
    xXraineirXx: ill give it to you
    xXraineirXx: dont change my password
    Automated Help: Sir, I wont change nothing.
    xXraineirXx: is this real? or just a computer?
    xXraineirXx: uve played games too
    Automated Help: Sir, I cant answer no more questions I need the information some person from the other IP could be stealing your personal informatin from your computer.
    xXraineirXx: ohhh
    xXraineirXx: but how would u know that more than 1 ip stole it?
    Automated Help: Sir, There is a program in every Steam account that tells an Admin that it has been logged into more then one IP.
    xXraineirXx: o
    Automated Help: Sir, Now i need the information or i will have to terminate the account.
    xXraineirXx: allright here it is
    xXraineirXx: wat did u need?
    Automated Help: Sir, Your Internet Provider, Email, Account Name, Password
    xXraineirXx: wats the internet provider?
    Automated Help: Sir, Do you have Verizon Dsl, Comcast, Aol.
    xXraineirXx: i got verizon but not dsl
    Automated Help: Sir, Just put verizon.
    xXraineirXx: allright
    xXraineirXx: verizon
    xXraineirXx: raineir
    xXraineirXx: 777ren
    xXraineirXx: tell me when ur done
    Automated Help: Sir, I will repeat everything you put in for verification.
    Automated Help: Sir, Just type yes after each thing.
    Automated Help:
    xXraineirXx: yeah
    Automated Help: Account Name=raineir
    xXraineirXx: yep
    Automated Help: Internet Provider=Verizon
    xXraineirXx: yea
    Automated Help: Password=777ren
    xXraineirXx: yea
    xXraineirXx: if not try ren777
    xXraineirXx: i kinda forgot
    xXraineirXx: but yeah
    Automated Help: Sir, I will be right back.
    Automated Help: kk
    xXraineirXx: k
    Automated Help: Sir, Now let me explain you will not do anything until I get back.
    xXraineirXx: wat do u mean
    xXraineirXx: ?
    Automated Help: Sir, Just wait for me to tell you that im done
    xXraineirXx: ok

    i hate him, i want him banned
    pls help
  2. Phlax

    Phlax Guest

    Wow, well you got truly f**ked over didn't you!

    I'd email Steam with this and see what they can do.

    Next time, don't be such a sucker ;-)
  3. raineir

    raineir Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    hey man, thanks anyways. i wish i didnt give him my account, i had a bad feeling but i was off
    so i was like wat the ef?
  4. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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  5. seb32

    seb32 Regular member

    Dec 31, 2005
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    Wow, you really got scammed. Good luck...
    Remember, admins _never_ need your pass, they can just get it themselves ;)
  6. raineir

    raineir Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    yeah man
    ive been there
    but it always says Notification Request Renewal Succeeded
    Your existing notification request has been successfully renewed.

    and i dont get nothing in my mail, i still waited for a day, no message exept CCS skateboards.

    well thanks anyways
    im still trying to figure out how to email steam
  7. chwoolgar

    chwoolgar Regular member

    Sep 18, 2007
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  8. raineir

    raineir Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    hey, i need help.. can somone find the steam email so i can sent them email? ive been lookin but still cant find none....=[
  9. seb32

    seb32 Regular member

    Dec 31, 2005
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    Yeah, I looked too, but I can't find it... strange...
  10. raineir

    raineir Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    damnit damn damn damn damn
    i wish they would secured the steam more in future


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