Hi, I have the following problem that whenever I write anything it ALWAYS writes at 10x, even if I set it to 1-4x it ignores me completely. I saw another person had this too, but I didnt notice any fixes for it. I did manage to make two backups of old games at 10x (one of them you can tell is only *just* working) but im guessing that the newer games (with new protection such as doom3) im trying to backup arent working because of it writing at 10x instead of 4x (and even then I know it may still not backup). My drive is a Plextor 708A and im using Datawrite 4x-12x discs which according to their website are manufactured by Prodisc. Just to add that it reads at the correct setting, just not writes- so far this happens in all the programs i've tried: Nero 5, BlindWrite 4/5, CloneCD and Alcohol 120% so it isnt limited to just one program. Thanks for any advice given
I don't know, 10X , as minimum write speed , seems too much, but my PC has a write minimum speed = 4X, for example. Therefore, even if I use CDRWin trial version, which 'limits at 1X the write speed' my burning speed cannot be lower than 4X. Maybe this is your case. Try you too using CDRWin trial version and measure, using a timer, the REAL (i.e. your PC's MINIMUM) write speed.
Okay I d/led CDRWin trial, in its Device & Settings tab under the recorder section it says the minimum I can do is also 4x. Unfortunately however the program cant read to my cd-rw discs (they're all I have atm) but certainly the fact it says the minimum is 4x makes me think it is 4x, but that still doesnt explain why it only burns at 10x.
I got into plextools and it shows the speeds at which diff media is written, for cdrw you have NS-CDRW which can only be written at 4x and HS-CDRW which can only be written at 10x (from the look of things) so I guess my cd-rws are HS otherwise it would write at 4x. and then there's another which is 24x only, for cd-r u can write at all speeds, so maybe ill buy enough cdr's to not mind coasters or try and find cd-rw's that are this NS-CDRW thing