I want to buy a liquid cooling system with the pump, resovoir, coolant, waterblocks, and tubes. my budget is 175$ thanks
try corsairs h50 hydro 80 bucks and you get good liqiud cooling in a compact package http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5267687&CatId=1871
the H50 is very much overrated. The Coolit Eco ALC is a much better choice and in most cases cheaper than the H50. The H50 has a big reputation and I can't seem to understand why, it cools less efficiently than air coolers much cheaper. Not worth the money imo. But the ECO ALC is not bad, still about the price of good air cooling but the price/performance makes it a better choice than a H50. But with a $175 budget, if you want something extreme your better off building your own liquid cooler from scratch. But if you don't need extreme cooling, the ECO ALC will save you time and money.
Theres also the Domino ALC which has an LCD screen and some extra features but the ECO ALC cools better as it has a better radiator design (it came out after the Domino) but a new Domino ALC should be released soon, if not already, which will have the better cooling design of the ECO, maybe better, with all the bells and whistles of the Domino. Great products by Coolit I must say, as long as they keep the price in line.