I'm new to the game but i picked it up quick. I have a x.bit 1.5 chip installed with evo dash and and x2 bios. i also put an old 45g hhd from a computer laying around the house. i used slayer to install everything so everything is running great. but i plan on buying a larger hard drive and i want the most update bios. should i stick with x2 and if so is there a more recent version i shoud flash.
I believe there is an X3... I'm not sure though... my Box is softmodded so I never had to mess with flashing mod chips.
x2 has been stable enough....basicly,if you're not having any problems with the bios that you have...don't change it.
I beleave X³ Firmwares are only for X³ Modchips'. So Upgradeing to a X³ ain't going to be of much use to you. I personaly still use Xecuter² 4981 (4981.67), and that has always worked for me. I prefer this Firmware for it's ease in it's modifacation. Like banning the Fubber Animation, changeing the Color of the 'X'™ Screen, Not to mention beeing able to change the LBA48 (Large +137Gib HDD), Settings aswell. Things you can not do with the latter versions of the X² Firmwares as Team Xecuter have since started encoding all there Firmware images, makeing such variations more difficult, or indeed no longer possible. As far as bennifits to useing an up-to-date Firmware Image are what exactly?? For myself I can not think of any, then again I have a XBOX™ v1.2. So I wouldn't have much need of a newer Firmware image. However you BETTER KNOW WHICH XBOX™ VERSION YOU HAVE BEFORE YOU START FUXX'ING 'ROUND WITH FIRMWARES!!! A Firmware for a V1.0~1.5 XBOX™ WILL NOT WORK ON A v1.6a/b! So you may not be able to use a X² 4981 on your XBOX™. If I wanted to keep the XBOX™ up-to-date, I'd locate a newer XBOX Live!™ Game Disc, and though a Program called BoxPlorer lauch another Program from the Game Disc (D:\), called UpdateDash.xbe. So that I was running the most current version of the XBOX™ M$Dash. Otherwise I just keep my XBMC up-to-date as my current sub-dash (next to Avalaunch),. Which I'll plan to phase out once the DVD Playback functions (with Menus!!), get irond out in the next few releases...