
Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by fafasi, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. fafasi

    fafasi Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    how can i make my x-box play burned cd's(coped games) without modding my x-box. i don't have prove myself.but someone(a close friend i've none for over ten years)told me that they just visited someone who used (007)& started playing burned,or coped games on his x-box.there is somekind of program on 007, that does something to your x-box an-then,gametime.

    is this true or not?
    if so how can i do this trick to my x-box? please respond a.s.a.p.
  2. jimmy42

    jimmy42 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    This is called an EXPLOIT or a SOFTMOD, and frankly they SUCK!

    Why you ask? Well because basicially this is a software hack that takes advantage of flaws in the current MS which will allow you to run imports and run home brew apps on your xbox. BUT if and when your DASHBOARD is updated (which it will be, by most new games and XBOX LIVE) your SOFTMOD becomes useless and your system may not boot up until you solve this issue. Every time they come out with a new softmod MS will just release a new dashboard to stop it.

    It also makes it difficult to disable your chip so you can go on XBOX LIVE.

    I would highly recommend you checkout the Xenium ICE Solderless depending on what version your console is (http://www.xbox-scene.com/versions.php is an excellent tutorial on determining what version you have) a solderless chip will work. Solderless just means you will not have to solder in the chip during install, which in turn minimizes the potential of damage to your xbox during installation.

    You can get a xenium ICE Solderless for $51 here: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/xenium-solderless.htm

  3. fafasi

    fafasi Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    thanx jimmy,but i was talking about,how to do it.without a mod chip.how is it done with the video game 007.i know that their is a program that allows you.i want to know how to do it.step by step,if you or someone else can.

    thank you.
  4. hcrip

    hcrip Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    That's the 007 exploit. It's pretty simple. Hardest part is getting the 2 jumper points soldered correctly. After that, it's all downhill from there.

    Get the 007gamesave onto your stock xbox by using a memory card. After that's on the xbox hd, then boot up 007AUF and load mission from hard drive. You'll see the xbox stay solid orange and the screen will be black. Now you can telnet into the xbox at (it will always be this number).
    Once telnetted in, type root as username, and xbox as password. Now you need to get into the directory where the game save is...(type exactly as shown below)

    cd ../../media/E/UDATA/4541000d/000000000000/raincoat

    now that you're in the directory, you can flash the bios. First you want to see if your points are soldered correctly.

    ./raincoat -r old.bin

    That command will make a 1meg backup of your old bios. If you get an error of 0x09 then you didn't solder right and have to do it again. If it says the chips name and completed, you're free to flash.

    ./raincoat -p bios.bin

    After that finishes erasing/flashing, you now have a TSOP flahsed xbox.

    If you need more help, let me know, I've done this over 200 times. Some parts aren't as in depth as they should be, but that leaves room for instruction
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2004
  5. fafasi

    fafasi Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    this is a really stupid question, but do i need the actaul game(disk).to load it from my hard drive? and what file do i download unto my actio replay to put unto my harddrive? please help
  6. fafasi

    fafasi Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    and do i also need to mod my x-box?

    thank you for helping me.

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