X10 has a new universal remote that has a nice big LCD screen. I was lucky and got one of the first 100 units that they sold. They just put a new web site up for this remote and removed the "Sold Out" banner add. It appears like they are going to go on sale here soon. I guess you can go to the web site and sign up to be notified when they start to sell them again. Oh snap I just called 800-675-3044 and asked a sales rep when they were going to be back in stock they said “that there are more on their way right now and they are taking orders for the remote.” My guess would be a week or two at most before they get those and ship them out. The sales rep also said that, ”yes they are currently taking pre-orders for this item now.” So far I've got this remote up and running on my Sony TV, Tivo, Comcast HD Tuner & DVR, and home stereo. All the buttons work correctly and set up only took me about 15 minutes for all of those devices. They even have the thumbs up and down buttons on the remote for Tivo. I want to try it out with my RePlay 55XX but the HDD just ate it on me the other week and I'm waiting on a new HDD from NewEgg. I'll keep you guys posted as soon as I reformat my RePlay with the new drive. Also I have this remote working great with an IR Mini-Controller for control of my X10 lighting. Just keep in mind that you need a different remote to program in the X10 IR commands. I’m hoping that in future firmware updates they will include this in the remote. There’s even a USB port on the remote so it seem like this would be useful for X10 so they could release updated software for the remote and expand the code banks easily. Let me know if there are any questions you may have and if I haven’t tried that feature out yet I’ll do my best to get you an answer. Laters! FRichard
Apparently the remote has been updated, which is what a tech support rep told me at X10 and there is actually a selection in the remote now for X10 commands. There is no need to get an X10 IR remote and program the IR10A iconRemote. Additionally you don't have to use the USB port to program the remote. I wonder what language they are using to program this remote with? Figure that out and get a USB cable then you might be able to get this remote to do all kinds of crazy things! Too bad I'm not a programmer. Hey programmers pick this bad boy up and see what you can do with it and post up some details. Thanks in advance. FRichard