X3 Control Panel

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by xCapox, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. xCapox

    xCapox Guest

    Hey I have a Chrystal Xbox Softmodded with 160GB HDD and Unleash X And Im not really sure about this but I've heard of people doing it Could I install a chrystal X3 Control panel even though I DONT have Xeucter 3 and I have a softmod btw tyvm 4 any1 who replys
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    a control panel isnt needed at all its for show moreless especially if you have a softmod...
  3. xCapox

    xCapox Guest

    lol yeah i know i feel u alot but i just want to use it for the USB ports and for the LCD so i guess u cannot or people with soft mod just get it for looks and it doesnt really work
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea its not going to work the same without a chip the usb ports might though....
  5. xCapox

    xCapox Guest

    is there a way to get the lcd on because on my dash it says what kind of lcd and it has X3 xenium etc idk
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you can put it on it wont hurt anything at all....
  7. xCapox

    xCapox Guest

    i think u misunderstood i mean so it lights up an eveything.
  8. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no the lcd will not light up you need the X3 for that....

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