x3ce, hdd upgrade issues

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by ORiONx, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. ORiONx

    ORiONx Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    i have the xecuter 3ce chip, I also have a 200 gig drive that i intend on replacing the stock one with. So my first task was to check to see if my bios could do a hdd swap. Of course it did not (flashbios v3.0.1) so i try to update the bios thru evox. I get the whole "its working" deal then i turn it back on to check and its a no show, same old flashbios v3.0.1. grrr...could this be a chip placement problem? or am i missing something here??? thx in advance for the help.
  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    Since you have access to EvoX, I'm not sure why you think it's a chip placement problem, or a problem with the chip really.

    Provided that you installed EvoX without a softmod, you should just be able to back up everything important from the old drive, replace it with the new one, format it with an autoinstaller, and FTP all the backed up files from the previous hard drive. Then you can lock the drive to the motherboard and be finished with it.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2006

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