Well, i got banned from Halo2 for modding..so i wanted to delete all my mods so i could create a new account and not get banned. So i was in the "softmod installer deluxe" dashboard. I couldn't find it anyway to go back to the normal dashboard so i went to Evox and my screen is blue and it says i cant find the original xbox dashboard. After that i tried to log on xbox live. It said..Connection failed or whatever and i was like WTF?!! so i did the thing that tells you whats wrong with your connection then this green page showed up on my screen and it said Customer Support Needed and the "open tray" button was flashing red and green. I felt my heart sink and i think i screwed up my xbox. So i returned back to the Evo Dashboard and i tried to run the MS Dashboard and it says"C:/msdash.exe file couldnt be found" i WAS LIKE WDF?!?! and then i tried these forums because alot of people post their problems. I tried using my FlashFXP to delete the mods but it was connection failed so i don't know what to do. I'm going to bed because im really angry about my xbox and i just dont want to mess it up anymore. I feel like my xbox is toast.Someone please help me!!!
this might be helpful... I used Mechassault to softmod. Then i downloaded all my mods from xX360Xx.com. I played with mods for 2 or 3 days then i decided i didn't want to mod anymore so i tried deleting the Linux Installer for the mechassault game and then i pressed A on EvoX or UnleashX (can't remember) now after that i wanted the original dashboard and when i hit A on MS Dashboard ... it says file can't be found. So i tried going back on live and it Said "Start TroubleShooter" and I did and the screen went all green with different languages and it said " Call Customer Support" and the "open tray" button was flashing green and red. Now i still have a softmodded xbox (which i dont want) and now i cant play live.What a drag...
When it went to the GREEN SCREEN when it said call customer support it had a white 21 on the left hand side..also i justfigured out i have no more gamesaves on my xbox...somehow it deleted all my savedgames...wdf..