I was watching a video through xbmc on my xbox. i took a break and came back. The video freezed. I restarted my xbox. It loded the logo and the first xbmc splash screen but then went blank. If I put a game in the game loads. Now xbmc won't load back up.
which version did you have? delete xbmc from your apps then use the new aid disc to install the latest version of xbmc. http://www.aidtracker.com If it's a hardware error it's probably overheating and you need to clean out your dusty xbox. You can also clean the cpu processor and apply artic silver for better heat transfer.
Hey C4RN1 i take it the deluxe installer is a live dvd once iso is burned,so when contents of Apps is deleted just reboot & follow on screen prompts like a normal linux cd & navigate to the apps folder & install xbmc type of thing
This sounds a lot like a ram fault. Installing xebian and an old release of firefox then hammering it with some big image heavy pages will likely cause the fox to segfault.. then you know for sure. It's not an easy problem to diagnose.. XBMC is quite ram intensive so apart from C's great clean the dust out (amazing how much they gather over the years) suggestion it may be a recurring problem that you are never quite sure you have managed to get to the bottom of.