Xbox 360 backup game won't play. Need help!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by melberrie, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. melberrie

    melberrie Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    I have this problem with my xbox 360.

    it has been flashed, but the thing is my brother copied me this game and it doesn't play on my console. I know all about xbox backup creator and img burn. my brother copied the game for me, but it doesn't play on my machine.

    At first, i thought that it was my television, because the game needs 60Hz to run.

    My brother made a copy of the same game for himself and had no problems with it. It plays perfectly on his machine.

    I thought that because the machine did not want to play my copy that i tried my brother's copy. it didn't work.

    I tried my copy on my brother's machine and it worked. Again, I thought that it was my television. recently, I took my machine to my brother's place and wanted to sort this problem out. I connected my xbox to his television and tried my copy. didn't work. his copy, the same thing. nothing.

    this left me with the conclusion that there is somethng wrong with my xbox console. why would it work on my brother's machine and not mine? there is absolutely nothing wrong with the copy. my brother has the SH-D162D drive needed to copy xbox games.

    My machine is newer than his. the game disc is not scratched and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disc.i take really good care of the machine and make sure that nothing risky comes close to it. the macine was manufactured on 28.10.2007

    can anyone please get back to, because i really need to get this sorted out and find out why this game plays perfectly on my brother's machine and not at all on mine.
  2. corrupt25

    corrupt25 Member

    Sep 6, 2008
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    hi there melberrie, i have the same problem as you with my 360 not playing some of my backed up games,but they will play on my friends. did you ever find out the problem???? any help would be appreciate. (sorry if you have already answered this im realy new to afterdawn)
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    This is not a 360 forum, please post in the correct forum.
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