Hey guys, I just bought the HD-DVD add-on from someone who showed me the thing in action and it worked perfectly fine. However, when I brought it home and hooked it up to my system, I seem to be having an issue with the Dolby Digital output. Everything is coming through as DTS! even if I select the "Dolby Digital 5.1" track. Here's my setup: Xbox 360 HD-DVD Add-on Xbox 360 Pro (w/ HDMI out) Onkyo TX-SR 605 (Black) Everything is connected via HDMI. So Xbox 360 -> Onkyo via HDMI -> Onkyo to Video Source via HDMI. Any suggestions?
I may be wrong, but I beleve that HDMI only delivers the audio signal in that format and you have to use either an optical or digital out cable to utilize the dolby digital signal of the receiver. I not 100% sure on this though.
Do you have the Dynamic Range Control option set to on? For DD to output, the decoder has to implement Dynamic Range Control. HDMI 1.3 can carry any multi-channel digital audio format. DD, DD+, DTS, DTS-HD, and DolbTrueHD.