xbox 360 vs ps3

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by nategamer, Sep 11, 2005.

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  1. nategamer

    nategamer Guest

    ok the way the states work out in lay mans terms for you people who dont understand all this processing triangle shit the xbox does an all the gizmos the ps3 has.
    the xbox 360 is 5times more powerful then the xbox, the standard version is a console purely, the extra price tag version [normal price 210pounds extra tag 270pounds] comes with 20gb harddrive for all the songs and an online package. the xbox 360 is purely devolped for online gaming, most of the games being only 1 player. enhanced graphics and stuff but its basically an xbox with some new skin and better gaming graphics.
    not much is known about the ps3 apart from its f****** cool. like all the previous playstation models its bound to kick ass. in the computer world dual cores is a big thing, cores help with the power of computers/console, in this modern wolrd is a PC has dual cores or 3 cores its considered powerful. the xbox 360 has 3 cores, the PS3
    has 9. if there was a computer with the equivelent power of the ps3 it would easily be the worlds most powerful. now sure ps3 might not hold songs like the xbox 360 [although some rumous say it can] and sure it probably wont be as cool as the xbox 360 by looks. but u ahve to look at the xbox 360 controller is shitty and all the playstation controllers have moulded into your hand, they rock and everyone even ppl who have never played on a playstation can use it. and the playstation models have always been able to shock and amaze. the playstation also has never needed to buya seperate remote control to be able to watch DVD's unlike the xbox.
    the gamecube revolution only has one thing about it, its gay.

    another thing is people are sayin 'well xbox have shown us there graphics blah blah ps3 hasnt' ok i dont know how to get de pic but ive seen it in a mag. i saw a pic of some racing game for the ps3 and i could of sworn until i found out it was just computer graphics, i could of sworn it was real. also the xbox runs at 1 teraflop and the ps3 runs at 2 teraflops. it does'nt take a genius to realise thats twice as much power.

    believe what u want, believe the people who say teh xbox 360 will beat the ps3. but with the xbox 360 with a price tag of just over 200pounds and with the ps3 with a rumoured 300. the price tag can't be there for no reason now can it.

    i rest my case, when the come out we'll see who buys what. i predict people will buy the xbox 360 first because its famous xbox and its coming out first. so people will eb drained for money for the ps3. but after a year or so the ps3 will overtake when people buy it and go wow it kicks ass and more people start buying the ps3. but then when the next generation comes out the xbox team wil do something incredible and it will just nudge teh ps4 outta place. it will keep going back and fourth. but it would be cool if microsoft and sony teamed up to make the worlds best looking best performing kinda like, a microsony playbox.

    think of how much we have came fourth in technoligy, from arcade machines to now xbox's and ps2's. consoles rock.

    if u want to argue against me you can email me at No posting emails!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005
  2. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    ahhhh! big, grammatically-bastardized blocks of text! make them go away, please...haven't we had enough of these?

    nate, something is telling me you won't be around here very long unless you get yourself under control and read the damned rules!
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  4. nategamer

    nategamer Guest

    oh dear god not u again. leave me alone ok dude. ive came here to post a forum that isnt even as big as some of the ones ive seen.
  5. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    nate, i'd posted here before in the car thread. you should tell me to go away there :p

    and i'm going to threads as they pop up on the main page. can't help it if you're posting in all of them.

    and what does the size of the forum have to do with it? i don't really care. i'm warning to you to prevent you from being hassled by a mod, and so you bring up irrelevent topics? if you like other, bigger forums more, then stay with them and leave here.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  6. nategamer

    nategamer Guest

    listen mate if the topic of the xbox 360 vs ps3 is irrelevent then complain also to the many others whom have posted simaler topics and have made theres longer then mine.
    p.s sorry about leaving my email address before and im not the only personw ho swears on forums. at least i put *'s in mine
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    the topic of forum size was irrelevent, as in your second to last post, amigo.

    and i think you meant thread size, not forum size. and if so, go post on the few open ones left (if any are still open). if they are all closed, that should get a message across to you that they annoy everyone and only lead to an immature flame war immediately preceeding a mod banning a massive number of members.
  8. nategamer

    nategamer Guest

    ok mate no need to get so offensive. im sorry im inexperienced with the site and im still getting to know all this forum, thread business thing ok. thanks for advice it is much appreaciated.
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i'm not trying to be offensive, nate, and i do apologize if i seem that way. i'm simply doing my best to ensure you get off on the right foot here and don't befall the punishment of an angried mod or admin.

    the whole purpose of my being here is to help facilitate your learning and teaching experience on this forum, and i'm charged with doing that to the best of my abilities.

    if there's any ways i can help you, remember to never be afraid to ask. ta ta.
  10. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    nice to see you sorted that one out lads. now why doesnt this happen more often? lol
  11. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    because chihuahuas are planning to take over the world! mwahahahah!

    hey, lethal, i hate to be a rules nazi again, but is there any way you could shrink your sig down to about 80 kb? that's about the maximum accepted size, due to the large number of dial-up visitors (myself included) here. if everyone had a 250 kb sig, you can imagine how long it would take to load for us hillbillies and narrowbanders, lol.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  12. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    If you want to argue ... please do it in a adult manner.

    Read the forum rules. No posting emails and No foul language.
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