Hi, no matter what ftp client i use i get the same trouble which i cant connect just gives me this problem. [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 [R] Connected to [R] 220 Please enter your login name now. [R] USER xbox [R] 331 Password required for xbox. [R] PASS (hidden) [R] 230 User xbox logged in , proceed. [R] SYST [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8 [R] FEAT [R] 502 feat is not implemented. [R] REST 100 [R] 502 rest is not implemented. [R] This site may not allow file resuming [R] CWD / [R] 250 "/" is current directory. [R] PWD [R] 257 "/" is current directory [R] TYPE A [R] 200 Type set to ASCII. [R] PASV [R] 502 pasv is not implemented. [R] PORT 192,168,0,7,6,26 [R] 425 Can't open data connection to [R] List Error [R] PASV [R] 502 pasv is not implemented. [R] PORT 192,168,0,7,6,40 [R] 425 Can't open data connection to [R] List Error If someone could help me i would appreciate it thanx Lenden.
You have a firewall? There are two connections for FTP. One is the control connection, and then there is the data connection. Your control is fine, you are logging in, but the data connection is flopping and this is usually due to firewall. Even if you grant permission to allow the connection, depending on your settings the firewall may not allow data connection to initiate.
What are your network settings for your Xbox and your Computer? how are you conecting to your Xbox as well?