Xbox Crystal wont read games anymore

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Brickz, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. Brickz

    Brickz Guest

    Ive got a crystal Xbox and until recently it has been fine. Its suddendly started to not load up games anymore and all i get is a message saying that the 'disk is dirty or damaged' I have checked the disk and it is in perfect nik. i thought that it may be dirty so I brought a cleaning kit. The cleaning disk i brought was unsuccesful but i think this was becasue the xbox didnt spin it for long enough. When i reset it it would recognise that it wasnt a xbox game and stop spinning almost imediately. The Xbox is also over it's 12 month waranty so i can't take it back. Please Help!!!
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    sounds like your DVD Drive pooped out on will have to but a new one....
  3. Brickz

    Brickz Guest

    CAn i not just clean it from the inside?
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you can try but it probably wont fix it,the laser itself is giving out and that cant be fixed by cleaning it....

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