I am soon to upgrade my XBOX Hard Drive to a 200 or 300GB hard drive so I can use it as a media center computer. Before I did this, I had 2 questions. One is, what are all the drive letters on my xbox about? My FTP client shows C, D (DVD Drive, all I know) E, F, Q. FileZilla also reports this: Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-Welcome to XBOX FileZilla (XBMC) Response: 220-version: XBMC:FileZilla version 1.5.6, (based on FileZilla Server 0.8.8) Response: 220 http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbfilezilla Command: USER xbox Response: 331 Password required for xbox Command: PASS **** Response: 230 Logged on Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla Command: FEAT Response: 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,102,4,12) Command: LIST Response: 150 Connection accepted Response: 226- Free space: [C:\ 143.92 MB] [E:\ 469.13 MB] [F:\ 0.00 bytes] [G:\ 0.00 bytes] Response: 226 Transfer OK Status: Directory listing successful Is this all right or should I be reflashing the softmod? Also, if I install a DVD burner in my xbox, will I be able to burn things to DVD?
The different Drives that it is showing, is just the Other "Areas" that were made when it Partitions the HDD! I have a 200GB in my Xbox, and I have the same exact thing! What it does is, you usually have your Custom Dash installed under the E: Drive, (like mine, that is the one with the smallest amount of space), and I use the F: Drive, to put all of my Media (because it is about 180GB)! So you don't really have to worry about that! As for the DVD Burner, I haven't read anything about burning things to DVD when it's installed in an Xbox! All I've heard is that you can use a PC Drive if your old Xbox Drive goes bad!
So basically you are saying that just use the F Drive for all the movies and music and leave the rest untouched.
So, now, how do i go ahead and upgrade the hard drive while leaving my original hard drive intact for recovery? I looked online and I found some tutorials that didn't help much. I actually used: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/366945 and http://xguides.xbox-scene.com/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=XBOXHDM+for+dummies but it looks like it modifies your stock XBOX hard drive. Could you point me in the right direction for upgrading the xbox hard drive?
I now managed to clone it but now its locked with a wrong password and I need to unlock it or change the password on the drive. How do i lock it so I do not get the ERROR CODE 6 on the xbox?
Hmm, it seems I can't spread word of my tutorials fast enough... Where did you get the wrong eeprom from? I'll clear up a few things first though! Q:\ is the 'running' hdd space which is normally known as X:\, Y:\ and Z:\. DO NOT EVER TOUCH THIS DRIVE!!! F:\ will only be available to larger HDDs over 137Gb, this is where you can store your GAMES, etc, however the space available will only be whatever is left after 137Gb eg. 200Gb HDD installed, F:\ will be 63Gb. The other space will be found in E:\ Read my tutorials to learn how to upgrade HDD correctly and also to lock and unlock drives!
sorry, I was on one of my school computers and those are so slow that they usually don't load images on the web.
Ok, i got the HD cloned to an 80GB and it says under XBMC File manager that I have: C: 143.9 MB D: EMPTY (DVD Drive) E: 2.7GB Q: 2.7GB Why isn't it showing my 80GB? should I restore the MS partition and re-softmod it to XBMC?
Forget the clone upgrade, don't trust it one bit! Upgrade the HDD fresh, use my tutorials! For 80Gb you will not need to format a G:\, E:\ should contain the extra space
So, I ended up formatting the entire drive (after a bricked 200GB Drive, fixed under warranty though) to an 80GB instead of a 200GB. I ended up reinstalling the Dashboard and starting fresh and it worked fine. Now my 75GB out of 80 is on the F: Drive which I use for storage for videos/music/games. I tried to install XBMC from Evolution X and Unleash X but both said that there was nothing in the APPS folder so I ended up cloning the E: partition from the original drive. Is everything I did ok or should I have done something different?
core2kid.. that sounds fine.. If everything is working then it should be good to go. Chunks.. Just a point that may be causing some confusion.. Every xbox I have ever seen, modded or otherwise in any fashion has always only had a 4ish gig E: (I believe the kernal sets some size limit) Everything else has gone to F: which will need enabling in the dash, and formatting to be visible. According to old wisdom an F: partition over 350GB will be unstable so any remaining free space above that size should be allocated to G: The Q: drive some ftp applications report is actually down to using xbmc as a dash, It's a virtual filesystem and is made up of the media folders on E: F: and G: if they exist. X:Y:Z: are local live cache partitions used to store data during auto save, and other odd times (like the track data for motoGP1.. you can even remove the disk on a modded box and keep playing as long as you don't try to change the track) They need to be there.. but deleting any files from them doesn't matter as it's volatile and wiped on reboot usually anyway.
In XBMC, I have an option to "Watch Online Videos" with the icon as Youtube. Everytime I click on this option, XBMC does nothing as if I never clicked it. How do I get this working? Is there something I need to install? I also need the program LinksBoks or any other XBOX Web Browser. It would help if somebody could PM me the link to a download site or point me to a tutorial that tells me how to compile source codes. EDIT:New problem, I usually unplug the XBOX overnight because I still have the powercord that is under recall. Everytime I load it then it asks me to set Date/time. Is there a BIOS battery I could replace?
You can view videos from Youtube, only if your Xbox is connected to the Network! You may need to edit the .xml for XMBC, but I can't remember! Also, you can go to #xbins to get Linkboks for your Xbox! Though, it really isn't that great...
You need to get it through FTP! Go on your Computer, and get into the folders for the XBMC, it should be either sources.xml or GUI.xml! I'm pretty sure that it's sources.xml, unless they have changed it from what I've got it as! Then in the .xml (you open it with notepad), you will want to look for anything about Youtube, and see if you can change the settings for it! Then you save the notepad document as sources.xml, and FTP it back to your Xbox!