i got a xbox off ebay.com and win i trun it on i got a erorr 06 on the screen please help me if i put a modcip in will it help
they probably tried to mod it and messed up, see if the seals are broken with the stickers even with a modchip installed it is a PAIN to unlock it, it will probably end up a paper weight (the harddrive) you will probably have to mod it and then put a new harddrive in
by the way, error code 6 means xbox can't unlock harddrive I have tried numerous ways to unlock my xbox drive, but I couldn't I have a 60gb in mine (probably goin to get rid of the xbox one, because it is WORTHLESS right now)
yes its ben opened no modchip though i have a xchanger v2.0 modchip can i put it in or is it not a good modchip ???
I can't say from experiance, nor am I by any means an expert on the topic, but if you *can* put the chip in, go for it (microsoft won't touch the box wih those seals broken) so... you can give it a shot I have an xecuer 3 chip in mine and LOVE it, so many good funcions, I am goin right now to get a bigger drive, 160gb for $40 after rebates at compusa... good luck with the xbox (xbox-scene.com, is the BEST site for modding) so check it out
do you now if its possible to clone a good xbox hard drive on the bad one i herd it was but not sure if true im adding a 160gb to one of mine to thanks for the site to
luckily, i had mine cloned befor I got locked out of it, even with a mod chip , mine won't start (when stock xbox drive is in) it gives error 6 (danm that message) if you can get the drive unlocked (somehow) then you could copy the files but until it is unlocked nope, putting it in a computer doesn't do anything
whats a good pleace to get a new board im going to add my mod chip and 160 gb hard drive but the board is bad in one of my xbox's and thats the one i want to use ???